Our family history is like a captivating novel, filled with twists, turns, and characters who shaped our existence
1. AARON (1) 2. Abel (2) 3. Abraham (1) 4. Abriel (1) 5. Ada (2) |
6. Addie (2) 7. Adelaide (1) 8. Aggie (1) 9. Agnes (3) 10. Agness (1) |
11. Albert (1) 12. Alberta (1) 13. Alder (1) 14. Alexander (3) 15. Alfred (1) |
16. Alice (11) 17. Allen (1) 18. Allie (1) 19. Amanda (1) 20. Ammie (1) |
21. Angela (1) 22. Ann (4) 23. ANNA (2) 24. April (1) |
1. Benjamin (1) 2. Bennett (2) 3. Bernadette (1) |
4. Bernard (1) 5. Bertha (1) 6. Bessie (3) |
7. Betty (2) 8. Billy (1) 9. Bobbie (2) |
10. Bobby (2) 11. Brenda (2) 12. Bridgett (1) |
1. Calvin (1) 2. Carl (1) 3. Carol (1) 4. Catherine (1) 5. Cathy (1) |
6. Cecil (1) 7. Charles (11) 8. Charley (1) 9. Charlie (1) 10. Cheryl (1) |
11. Christopher (2) 12. Chyenne (1) 13. Cindy (2) 14. Clarence (1) 15. Claudie (1) |
16. Clint (1) 17. Connie (1) 18. Cora (1) 19. Coy (1) 20. CRUCY (1) |
21. Curtis (2) 22. Cynthia (1) |
1. Daisy (1) 2. Damaris (1) 3. Daniel (2) |
4. Darla (1) 5. David (2) 6. Demitri (1) |
7. Dennis (1) 8. Dewitt (1) 9. Donna (1) |
10. Doris (1) 11. Dorman (1) 12. Dorothy (4) |
13. Dorthy (1) 14. Douglas (1) 15. Dustin (1) |
1. Eailey (1) 2. Earnest (1) 3. Edith (3) 4. Edna (2) 5. Edward (2) |
6. Elbert (1) 7. Eldridge (1) 8. Elijah (2) 9. Elisabeth (1) 10. Elizabeth (10) |
11. Ella (1) 12. Ellen (2) 13. Ellender (1) 14. Elnice (1) 15. Emilie (1) |
16. Emily (2) 17. Emma (3) 18. Emmaline (1) 19. Etta (1) 20. Eula (1) |
21. Euline (1) 22. Eva (1) 23. Evelyn (1) |
1. F (1) 2. Faithy (1) |
3. Ferguson (1) 4. Finnley (1) |
5. Florence (1) 6. Frances (4) |
7. Francis (2) 8. Frank (1) |
9. Fred (2) 10. Freeman (1) |
1. Garret (1) 2. George (11) |
3. Georgia (1) 4. Gerald (1) |
5. Gladys (2) 6. Glenda (1) |
7. Glenn (1) 8. Gloria (1) |
9. Grady (1) 10. Gus (1) |
1. Harrie (1) 2. Hassie (1) |
3. Hattie (1) 4. Henry (4) |
5. Herbert (1) 6. Hershel (1) |
7. Ho (1) 8. Homer (2) |
1. JACOB (1) 2. James (11) 3. Jane (2) 4. Jason (2) 5. Jasper (1) 6. Jeffery (1) |
7. Jemima (1) 8. Jeneva (1) 9. Jennie (2) 10. Jennifer (2) 11. Jesse (1) 12. Jewel (1) |
13. Jim (2) 14. Joane (1) 15. Joel (1) 16. John (22) 17. Johnny (2) 18. Jonathan (2) |
19. Joseph (4) 20. Josephus (1) 21. Joshua (2) 22. Josias (1) 23. Joyce (1) 24. Juanita (1) |
25. Judy (3) 26. Julius (1) |
1. Karen (1) 2. Kathy (1) |
3. Katie (1) 4. Keith (1) |
5. Kelley (1) 6. Kelli (1) |
7. Kenneth (3) 8. Kimberly (1) |
9. Kit (1) 10. Kristin (1) |
1. L (1) 2. L. (1) 3. Larene (1) 4. Larry (1) |
5. Lee (1) 6. Leona (1) 7. Leonard (3) 8. Levi (2) |
9. Lila (1) 10. Lillian (2) 11. Linda (1) 12. Lisa (2) |
13. Livingston (1) 14. Lois (1) 15. Louis (1) 16. Loyd (1) |
17. Lucinda (1) 18. Lucretia (1) 19. Luther (3) |
1. Mabel (1) 2. Margaret (2) 3. Maria (1) 4. Marshall (1) |
5. Martha (8) 6. Marvin (2) 7. Mary (14) 8. Matthew (1) |
9. Melvin (1) 10. Michael (2) 11. Michelle (1) 12. Mikel (1) |
13. Mildred (2) 14. Millie (1) 15. Milton (1) 16. Minnie (2) |
17. Morris (1) 18. Moses (1) 19. Mrs (1) 20. Myrtle (1) |
1. Patricia (2) 2. Patsy (1) |
3. Paul (1) 4. Perla (1) |
5. Peter (1) 6. Phillip (2) |
7. Priscilla (1) |
1. Ray (1) 2. Rebecca (3) 3. Rena (1) |
4. Richard (2) 5. Riley (1) 6. Robert (11) |
7. Robin (1) 8. Roger (1) 9. Roland (1) |
10. Ronald (1) 11. Row (1) 12. Roy (4) |
13. Ruby (2) 14. Rueben (1) 15. Russell (1) |
1. Sallie (2) 2. Samantha (2) 3. Samuel (1) 4. Sandra (1) |
5. Sarah (7) 6. Scott (1) 7. Sean (1) 8. Sharon (1) |
9. Shawanda (1) 10. Sherman (1) 11. Sherry (1) 12. Shyane (1) |
13. Sophia (1) 14. Stephen (3) 15. Steve (1) 16. Steven (2) |
17. Susan (4) 18. Susana (1) 19. Susannah (1) 20. Sybil (1) |
1. Tammy (1) 2. Taylor (1) |
3. Tennessee (1) 4. Thomas (11) |
5. Timothy (2) 6. Tina (1) |
7. Tis (1) 8. Tommy (1) |
9. Trudie (1) |
1. Valerie (1) 2. Valorie (1) |
3. Veda (1) 4. Vera (2) |
5. Verdie (1) 6. Verlyne (1) |
7. Virginia (1) |
1. Walt (1) 2. Wayne (1) 3. Wesley (2) |
4. Wilburn (1) 5. Wilhemine (1) 6. Will (1) |
7. William (16) 8. Willie (4) 9. Winfred (1) |
10. Wyatt (2) 11. Wynelle (1) |
1. Zack (1) |
We strive to document all of our sources in this family tree. If you have something to add, please let us know.